
Broadcasting & Cable: WGBO Chicago, PolitiFact Light Up Truth-O-Meter in Spanish

Oct 10, 2016


The Fact-Checking Group’s Partnership With the Univision O&O is its First with a Spanish-Language Broadcaster

By: Diana Marszalek

Univision O&O WGBO Chicago and the Tampa Bay Times’ PolitiFact are partnering to offer fact-checking, an increasingly prevalent part of political reporting, in Spanish.

The effort, which marks PolitiFact’s first Spanish-language news partnership, will include weekly segments on Noticias Univision Chicago leading up to elections in November. Each week, anchor Mariano Gielis will use PolitiFact data to rate claims made by officials, candidates and their supporters. The effort will evaluate claims made in the local, state and national political arenas.

“As a mission-driven company, we are committed to informing our Hispanic community on the issues that matter during the election cycle,” said Univision Chicago news director Teri Arvesu. “By partnering with PolitiFact, we’re able to provide vital facts and information on the election in a clever and entertaining way.”

Source: Broadcasting & Cable

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