
Cindy McCain and Univision Engage Phoenix Community Leaders and Parents to Prepare Children for Success

Apr 23, 2014

On Thursday, April 24, businesswoman, philanthropist and member of the Leadership Council of Too Small to Fail, Cindy McCain, and Univision Communications Inc. Executive Vice President of Chief Human Resources & Community Empowerment Officer, Roberto Llamas, will participate in a round-table conversation with parents aimed at creating awareness about early childhood development and the importance of parents’ roles as their children’s first teachers. This discussion will be conducted as part of the Univision Contigo “Pequeños y Valiosos” early childhood educational initiative, in conjunction with Too Small to Fail, a joint initiative of Next Generation and the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Univision Communications Inc., the leading media company serving Hispanic America, continues to deliver expert research, commentary and information across Univision platforms to encourage Hispanic parents and families to help young children build their vocabulary and language skills in the early years. The community outreach event is part of the Company’s Univision Contigo (Univision With You) empowerment efforts. Held at the Chicanos Por La Causa Community Center in Phoenix, Mrs. McCain and Mr. Llamas will have the opportunity to engage parents in meaningful conversation about this important subject.

WHAT: Press will be invited to listen to part of a roundtable discussion with parents.

WHO: Cindy McCain and Roberto Llamas, EVP, Chief Human Resources & Community Empowerment Officer, Univision Communications

WHEN: Thursday, April 24, 2014

  • Media Check-in: 9:00am – 9:30 am Pacific
  • Event: 10:00am-11:00am Pacific

WHERE: CPLC Carl Hayden Community Center, 3216 W. Van Buren St., Phoenix, Arizona 85009

Space is limited. Only credentialed media will be granted access to the event. To request credentials, contact Shavely Peralta before 2pm Pacific on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. Please note due to space limitations RSVP does not guarantee access.

Shavely Peralta (305) 471-4086

Following the roundtable, the following officials from Next Generation and Univision will be available for interviews:

  • Roberto Llamas, executive vice president, Chief Human Resources & Community Empowerment officer, Univision Communications
  • Anastasia Ordóñez, communications director of Children & Families program, Next Generation

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