
The Final Touches in Connecting with the Latina Beauty Consumer

We recently hosted a Hispanic 411 webinar in partnership with Vital Findings where we revealed key findings of our Latina beauty study. Our first blog focused on the Latina beauty consumer’s mindset. Today, I’m going to share additional insights that explore who she is as a shopper.

Avid Beauty Shoppers

According to one of our Latina respondents from the study, “I’ve never regretted spending more money on good things, especially for my face. I think it’s worth it, to spend more when it comes to beauty.”  It’s not just this one respondent. 68% of Latinas agree that they’re guilt-free when it comes to spending money on beauty products vs. 54% of non-Hispanics. This makes sense, as Latinas are spending more on beauty per month than non-Hispanics across cosmetics ($46 vs. $21 for non-Hispanics), skin care ($44 vs. $31 for non-Hispanics) and hair care ($41 vs. $29 non-Hispanics).

And when it comes to their purchasing decisions, 70% of Latinas value trying on a product in-store (vs. 48% for non-Hispanics) and 64% said that personal recommendations from friends and family are also important in their purchase decisions (vs. 45% for non-Hispanics). This is also most likely why we’re seeing that 57% of Latinas frequently shop for beauty in department stores compared to 41% of non-Hispanics. Department stores seem to be providing Latinas with the type of category interaction they are looking for in Beauty.

Engaging Across Various Channels

Latinas are using a variety of channels to learn about beauty, but what stood out to me the most was  – when looking at traditional media, which includes TV and magazines – 68% of Latinas say they use traditional media to learn about beauty vs. 49% of non-Hispanics. What’s even more interesting is that traditional media is also an important source of information for Latina millennials: 66% use traditional media for beauty information vs. 50% for non-Hispanics.

As expected, Latinas are over-indexing on the use of technology and digital media to aid in the discovery and exploration of beauty products: 85% say they are using social channels to learn about beauty compared to only 55% for non-Hispanics. They’re also using various social media channels for other beauty-related activities as well, such as watching YouTube beauty tutorials (54% vs. 29% for non-Hispanics).

Not surprisingly, Latinas also heavily depend on word-of-mouth and personal recommendations from their family, friends and co-workers for product reviews:  66% of Latinas use word-of-mouth to learn about beauty vs. 49% of non-Hispanics. In fact, Latinas are recommending beauty products almost twice as much as non-Hispanics!

So, what happens when you reach Latinas who are engaging via these channels? You’ll not only get a consumer who purchases three times more based on advertisements, you’ll also get a consumer who is brand loyal. 82% of Latinas agree: “I always look to see if my favorite brands have new products” (vs. 55% for non-Hispanics).  Now, isn’t that a beautiful thing?

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