
Meet the Hispanic Holiday Shopper: Bringing Brands MORE

In my last post, I introduced you to the Hispanic consumer: the consumer that brings brands MORE. Now I’d like to drill down a bit and explore how this consumer brings brands more during the all-important Holiday shopping season. For many Hispanics, celebrations and shopping go hand-in-hand, which is a plus for your brand.

Hispanics love to celebrate. In fact, they celebrate American holidays AND holidays tied to their native countries. Non-Hispanic whites celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year, while Hispanics add to those with Las Posadas (Dec. 16-24), Noche Buena (Dec. 24), and Three Kings’ Day (Jan. 6). They celebrate both cultures’ holidays because the Hispanic consumer’s mindset is that they are 100% Latino and 100% American. That means your brand has more opportunities for engagement and more opportunities to sell. 

All of these additional celebrations equate to more guests, more food, more gifts, more home preparation, and more festive attire. All of that adds up to MORE SHOPPING.

Shopping is part of the celebration, and Hispanics start early and shop often. Fifty-one percent of Hispanics and non-Hispanics plan to start shopping before Thanksgiving, but for Hispanics, the shopping really begins the minute their Thanksgiving leftovers are put away. It’s a major shopping day: Hispanics are two times as likely to do the majority of their shopping on Black Friday vs. non-Hispanics (45% vs. 22%).

They’re also thinking big this time of year, taking advantage of holiday sales and purchasing big-ticket items like electronics and furniture for themselves (Hispanics: 49%, non-Hispanics: 38%), and comparing prices on big-ticket items during the holiday season through a mobile app (Hispanics: 35% vs. non-Hispanics: 17%).

So what is key when reaching out to Hispanic holiday shoppers? Savings, Influence and Convenience. They are driven by money-saving strategies, user reviews and in-store displays, and being able to order online and pick up in store. Keep these tips in mind when planning your holiday promotions.  

Of course, the phenomenon of more also applies year-round: between Three Kings’ Day (January) and Navidad (December), there are 11 other holidays to celebrate, not counting the evergreen events such as Quinceañeras, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and more. 

To sum up: if you’re looking for more from your customers this season, remember: U.S. Hispanics will deliver. 

Source: Mintel Oxygen, Winter Holiday Shopping, U.S., August 2015

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