
Why Brand Equity is Important to Media

Sep 21, 2011

Media buzz in recent years has been directed at the power of social communities like Facebook, influencer segments and viral marketing. This has largely operated against a backdrop in which traditional media is increasingly viewed as being less impactful — given the seemingly endless media choices, time shifted viewing and simultaneous media usage. All this is validated in observed declines in English-language media ROI.

Yet there is an important exception where a largely untapped media can still serve as a brand accelerator. Univision offers brands the emotional connection of communities, scale, and the benefits of sight, sound and motion.

This is unique in the industry and now validated through a recently conducted study using a widely accepted brand equity model. The Burke Model is currently used by over 110 leading brands in the U.S. The reason why brands use this brand equity model is a high validated correlation to market share and valuation.

Until now brand equity models have not been used for media companies. English-language media companies cannot provide scale, or they trade off building ratings for maintaining loyal and engaged users across program content. Validating connection with viewers, although highly correlated with advertising effectiveness, has been limited to measuring receptivity, non engagement, or research-analytics from heavy viewers.

Univision recently commissioned a study of about 1,000 Spanish -language network TV viewers conducted randomly on the telephone, using Nielsen language in household classification and quotas to match to U.S. Census for representativeness. A parallel study of about 500 English -language major net viewers was conducted online.

The findings identified that Univision has a Brand Equity Score of 72. This is more than 50% higher than the average of the Top 4 English-language TV networks, and more than 75% higher than the average of the Top 3 non-Univision owned Spanish-language networks. In comparison to the more than 110 measured brands including the leading cola brands, search engines and quick service restaurants, Univision had the highest Brand Equity Score of any brand yet measured by Burke!

Brands and agencies can learn more about the power of Univision to accelerate their communications and reach a largely untapped market not reached by English-language media.

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