
PM360: Univision and Amgen Partner to Serve the Hispanic Community

Dec 18, 2018

By: Kayla Walsh

Using its unique and unrivaled brand equity and strength in the Hispanic community, Univision is filling the void of accessible health education for Spanish-speaking patients in the U.S. looking for better health solutions. While many healthcare companies realize the gap in education surrounding diabetes and its comorbidities, they have only taken on this challenge in English, when in fact diabetes affects 13.4% of Mexican Americans as opposed to 10.2% of white and 4.2% of black Americans. As a result, a staggering amount of Latin American patients are underserved and uninformed about serious health conditions and potential prevention and treatment, while therapy providers and healthcare agencies are missing out on a major market opportunity.

Amgen sees the benefits of culturally relevant outreach to a community that Optum Health reports stays on track with treatment 49 days longer and fills prescriptions 20 days sooner than white Americans. Through partnership with Univision, a unique multichannel platform was created for Prolia, its glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) treatment, a condition that appears as a frequent comorbidity of diabetes.

Targeting Diabetes

The campaign, which aims to heighten awareness and encourage screenings in an underserved community where diabetes is most prevalent, includes the Fuertes Juntos Health Event in East Los Angeles with an attendance of 1800 community members. The event provided free screenings for diabetes and its comorbidities including osteoporosis, vision, feet, and glucose checks, as well as motivational talks from highly influential celebrities in the Hispanic community, including Mexico’s Sweetheart, Angélica María, and radio personality/social influencer, Gabriela Teissier.

Univision acts on what it sees as its responsibility as one of television’s top 5 networks – regardless of language – and #1 Spanish radio networks in the U.S., to provide the Spanish-speaking community with the healthcare information it lacks, but sorely needs. Beyond television and radio ads, Univision pushes awareness, access to care, and early detection/aggressive management of diabetes and osteoporosis with several 30-second educational videos on its extremely active social media platforms.

Source: PM360 Online

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