By: Katherine Alvarado
In a new video series on Facebook, award-winning Univision network anchor Jorge Ramos traces his early days as an immigrant to the U.S., when he was a student studying at UCLA Extension.
“Real America with Jorge Ramos” is an exploration of America through the eyes of an immigrant. The series is exclusive to Facebook Watch.
For the first episode, titled “Jorge’s Immigration Story,” Ramos discusses the importance of UCLA’s welcoming environment after he arrived in the United States. Ramos’ story comes full circle when he returns to UCLA and interviews another immigrant who came to this country seeking a better life and whose son graduated from UCLA in June.
Kevin Herrera grew up on campus, where his father, William, works for UCLA Housing and Hospitality Services. This June, Kevin achieved his dream of graduating from UCLA and William achieved his dream of seeing his son graduate.
Source: UCLA Newsroom