Journalists from 6 Countries Receive King of Spain Awards
MADRID – Reporters from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Peru were honored Friday with the King of Spain International Journalism Awards, including Roberto Navia Gabriel of Bolivia in the press category for a report on lynching published in “El Deber.”
This was the 32nd round of the annual awards convened by Efe and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation. It comprises six categories of journalistic excellence, and this year evaluated 206 entries from 18 countries.
In the TV category, the award went to “Club de Prensa” (the Press Club), aired over the Colombian network NTN24, dedicated to the analysis of current events in Latin American and directed by Juan Carlos Iragorri.
Margarita Esparza took home the Radio award for a short program, in which she travelled through the world of the “homeless” that was broadcast by National Radio of Spain (RNE).
The award for best photo went to Brazilian Domingos Peixoto for a picture of a wounded cameraman during protests in Rio de Janeiro in February 2014 that was published by O Globo.
In Digital Journalism, the winner was “Children of the border,” published in and prepared by Maria Arce and her team.
The program addresses the drama of 50,000 unaccompanied minors who have tried to enter the United States from Mexico and Central America.
The Award for Environmental and Sustainable Development Journalism was granted for a documentary on water scarcity and thirst suffered by millions of people worldwide.
It was shown on Spanish Television and prepared by Nuria Mejias Ruiz and Jose Luis Fernandez Cabeza.
The awards come with a cash bursary of 6,000 euros ($6,850) each, and a bronze statue by artist Joaquin Vaquero Turcios.
The jury also awarded the Don Quixote Prize for Journalism to Peruvian author and essayist Fernando Iwasaki for an essay on the present state and future prospects of the Spanish language that was published in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio.
This award, which was given for the 11th time, was for 9,000 euros (about $10,350).
The jury was headed by the president of EFE, Jose Antonio Vera, and the director of the technical department of the Spanish Cooperation Agency, Fernando Castillo.
Source: Latin American Herald Tribune