
Univision 23 Honors Outstanding Students at the Twenty-First Annual “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” Award Luncheon

May 11, 2018

Univision 23 Honors Outstanding Local High School Students at the Twenty-First Annual “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” Award Luncheon

Univision 23 partners with Papa John’s Pizza, Publix Super Markets, Palmetto 57 Volkswagen/Palmetto 57 Nissan and Miami Dade College to recognize and award extraordinary high school seniors

MIAMI, FL – MAY 11, 2018 –WLTV Univision 23 honored ten outstanding South Florida high school students with its Papa John’s Pizza “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” (Pride of our Youth) award for the twenty-first consecutive year. The awards luncheon honoring the students on Friday, May 11 was hosted by WLTV Univision 23 News Anchor Alina Mayo Azze at Jungle Island.

Six of the ten students were recognized for academic excellence and community service, reflecting high grade point averages (GPAs) as well as an outstanding commitment to civic duty. This year’s Academic Excellence Award recipients are: Anna Timmons, Coral Reef Senior High School; Louis Moon, Miami Palmetto Senior High School; Eliza Morton, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School; Daniel Iglesias, Mater Academy High School; Andrea Llamas Sanchez, Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy; and Dax Aldecocea, School for Advanced Studies Wolfson Campus.

The four remaining students were recognized with the Academic Achievement Award for demonstrating academic growth in spite of significant setbacks in their personal life. These award recipients are:  Stephanie Revuelta, Coral Gables Senior High School; Jennifer Argenal, Westland Hialeah Senior High School; Olga Deleon, South Dade Senior School; Emily Morey, Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School.

The ten high school seniors were awarded scholarships and gifts cards by Papa John’s Pizza, Publix Super Markets, and Palmetto57 Nissan and Volkswagen to help fund their college education. In addition, Miami Dade College will be awarding each of the student’s free tuition if they choose to continue their university education there.

“It is with tremendous pride that we recognize this year’s honorees; role models in their schools and in our communities, personifying the essence of determination, perseverance and resolve,” said Claudia Puig, President & General Manager of Univision Miami. “We are committed to celebrating South Florida students’ academic excellence and community service as they embark on a most promising future.”

“Papa John’s Franchise Owners are extremely proud to once again honor and recognize this year’s outstanding youth through the Papa John’s Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud scholarship campaign,” said Ricky Warman, president of Pizzerias, LLC, a franchise of Papa John’s Pizza. “Many outstanding young men and women work diligently to achieve educational excellence and a higher education, and we are proud to contribute with scholarship funds to be used towards fulfilling their career dreams.”

Winning students, along with their families, educators, program sponsors and community leaders will attend the lunch along with Claudia Puig and Superintendent of Miami Dade County Public Schools Alberto Carvalho, amongst other distinguished professionals of our community.

“Publix is very proud to be a part of this scholarship program. It is very important that we create as many opportunities as possible for our youth to learn and develop into the leaders of tomorrow,” said John Goff, Regional Director, Publix Super Markets Miami Division.

This campaign underscores the positive impact the public and private sector can have in partnering to recognize the remarkable achievements of these students.

“When ‘Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud’ was introduced to me, I knew that this was something that Palmetto57 Nissan and Palmetto57 Volkswagen had to get involved with,” said Roger Tovar, President, Palmetto Nissan and Volkswagen. “To be able to recognize these outstanding young women and men for their accomplishments in school, many of which have had to overcome many obstacles, is very humbling and something that we take great pride in.”

To be considered for a Papa John’s “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” award, students must be nominated by their teachers and/or school principals prior to the deadline. Representatives of Papa John’s Pizza, Palmetto 57 Nissan and Volkswagen, Publix Super Markets, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami-Dade College and Univision 23 select the winners.

CONTACT: Ángela Ramos Univision 23 305-487-5550


Univision 23 Otorga Reconocimiento a Estudiantes Sobresalientes de Secundarias Locales en la 21a Edición Anual del Almuerzo de Premiación “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud”

Univision 23 se asocia a Papa John’s Pizza, Publix Super Markets, Palmetto 57 Volkswagen/Palmetto 57 Nissan y Miami Dade College para otorgar reconocimiento y premiar a estudiantes extraordinarios de último año de secundaria

MIAMI, FL –11 DE MAYO DE 2018– WLTV Univision 23 otorga reconocimiento a diez estudiantes sobresalientes de secundaria en el sur de la Florida con el premio “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” de Papa John’s Pizza por 21er año consecutivo. Alina Mayo Azze, presentadora del noticiero de WLTV Univision 23 celebró del almuerzo de premiación en homenaje a los estudiantes en Jungle Island.

Se otorgó reconocimiento a seis de los 10 estudiantes por excelencia académica y servicio comunitario, que se reflejan en promedios altos de calificaciones como también mucha dedicación al deber cívico. Los galardonados con el Premio a la Excelencia Académica de este año son: Anna Timmons, Coral Reef Senior High School; Louis Moon, Miami Palmetto Senior High School; Eliza Morton, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School; Daniel Iglesias, Mater Academy High School; Andrea Llamas Sánchez, Jose Martí MAST 6-12 Academy, y Dax Aldecocea, School for Advanced Studies Wolfson Campus.

A los otros cuatro alumnos se les otorgó el Premio a Logros Académicos por su progreso en los estudios a pesar de reveses significativos en su vida personal. Los galardonados son:  Stephanie Revuelta, Coral Gables Senior High School; Jennifer Argenal, Westland Hialeah Senior High School; Olga Deleón, South Dade Senior School; Emily Morey, Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High School.

Los diez estudiantes de último año de secundaria recibieron becas y tarjetas de regalo de Papa John’s Pizza, Publix Super Markets y Palmetto57 Nissan and Volkswagen para ayudarlos a financiar sus estudios universitarios. Además, todos los alumnos podrán ir a Miami Dade College sin pagar matrícula si optan por estudiar allí.

“Es con gran orgullo que aplaudimos a los premiados de este año; ejemplos en sus escuelas y en nuestras comunidades que personifican la esencia de la determinación, la perseverancia y la resolución”, dijo Claudia Puig, presidenta y gerente general de Univision Miami. “Tenemos el compromiso de celebrar la excelencia académica y el servicio comunitario de los estudiantes del sur de Florida al emprender un futuro sumamente prometedor”.

“Los dueños de franquicias de Papa John’s están sumamente orgullosos de volver a premiar y otorgar reconocimiento a los sobresalientes jóvenes de este año por medio de la campaña de becas Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud de Papa John’s”, dijo Ricky Warman, presidente de Pizzerias, LLC, una franquicia de Papa John’s Pizza. “Muchos jóvenes sobresalientes de ambos sexos se esfuerzan diligentemente por alcanzar la excelencia educativa y obtener una educación superior, y es un orgullo para nosotros contribuir con fondos de becas que se usarán para que alcancen sus sueños profesionales”.

Los estudiantes ganadores, sus familiares, maestros, auspiciadores del programa y líderes comunitarios asistirán al almuerzo junto con Claudia Puig y Alberto Carvalho, superintendente de las escuelas públicas del condado de Miami Dade, entre otros distinguidos profesionales de la comunidad.

“Es un orgullo para Publix ser parte de este programa de becas. Es muy importante que creemos el mayor número posible de oportunidades para que nuestros jóvenes aprendan y se conviertan en los líderes del futuro”, afirmó John Goff, director regional de la división de Miami de Publix Super Markets.

Esta campaña destaca el impacto positivo que el sector público y privado pueden tener al asociarse para reconocer los admirables logros de estos estudiantes.

“Cuando oí por primera vez sobre ‘Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud’, supe que era algo en que Palmetto57 Nissan and Palmetto57 Volkswagen tenían que participar”, dijo Roger Tovar, presidente de Palmetto Nissan and Volkswagen. “Poder otorgar reconocimiento por sus logros escolares a estos sobresalientes jóvenes, muchos de los cuales han superado muchos obstáculos, es un gran honor y algo que nos hace sentir mucho orgullo”.

A fin de ser considerados para el premio “Orgullo de Nuestra Juventud” de Papa John’s, los maestros o directores de las escuelas de los estudiantes deben nominarlos antes de la fecha límite. Representantes de Papa John’s Pizza, USAPalmetto 57 Nissan and Volkswagen, Publix Super Markets, las escuelas públicas del condado de Miami-Dade, Miami-Dade College y Univision 23 seleccionan a los ganadores.

Visiten para más información sobre UCI, y sigan @UCIPRTeam en Twitter e Instagram.

CONTACTO: Ángela Ramos Univision 23 305-487-5550


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