
Twelve Finalists Chosen for the Upcoming Live Final Stage Episodes of “La Banda”

Oct 27, 2015

With Very Emotional 1×1 Visits from Judges Ricky Martin, Alejandro Sanz, and Laura Pausini to Break the News, Univision Network’s Hit Talent Search for the Ultimate Latino Super Group is Down to Twelve Talented Finalists

Watch Them Move on to the Remaining LIVE Broadcast Stage – Beginning This Sunday, November 1st from Miami at 8 p.m. EST/7 p.m. CT/5 p.m. PT & 8 p.m. PT

Access The Full “LA BANDA” Series Press Kit and visit:

Also Inquire about Interview Opportunities This Week with the Show Finalists-

12 Finalists


Zabdiel de Jesús- 17, from Puerto Rico

Zabdiel’s love of music started at an early age when he learned to play the guitar from his father, a professional guitarist. He later teamed up with his brother, also a guitarist, to play in church where he grew to love Gospel music. His love for dance led him to form a hip-hop and salsa group in middle school, and eventually study ballet at La Escuela de Bellas Artes de Bayamón, where he is currently in his final year.

Christopher Vélez- 19, Ecuadorian from New Jersey

Born in the United States, Christopher returned from Ecuador less than a year ago in hopes of a better future and lives alone in Hightstown, NJ. He works hard shining shoes and saving all the money he can so he can send some to his mother to help her dream of becoming a lawyer come true. His “American Dream” is to be part of La Banda and always wears a gold medallion he received from his grandmother as good luck.

Joshua Greaux- 17, from Puerto Rico

Used to fierce competition as the son of an Olympic athlete, Joshua has run charity marathons and trains daily, but his first love is for music. He plays guitar, write songs, makes music, and has sung in a choir. When he sat down with his father to explain that music, like sports, is a discipline one must dedicate one’s body and soul to, his father gave him his full support. His mother, with whom he lives, also supports his dreams and works two jobs in order to provide Joshua a good education. He prefers ballads and his favorite song is from the group Sin Bandera titled “Ves.”

Joel Pimentel- 16, from Los Angeles

Although he lives with his parents and two brothers, it was his Grandfather Luis who first noticed his musical talent and encouraged him to develop it by teaching Joel to sing. When his Grandfather died last January, Joel sang the song “100 Ovejas” at his funeral in his honor. Joel studies Drama at Hesperia High School in Los Angeles and takes acting very seriously as he feels it helps him better interpret his songs.

Sebastián Rivera- 15, from Puerto Rico

Sebastián lives with his parents and three siblings and is a big fan of the group One Direction. He has grown up and gone to school with the same group of friends and loves to sing harmony, looking for any and all occasions to perform, whether with friends or in front of strangers, with all his heart. He also plays the Ukulele.

Aaron Bodden- 17, American of Honduran and Dominican parents from Miami

Born and raised in a poor and violent neighborhood of Miami, Aaron now lives with his mother, two siblings and Grandmother in Homestead, Florida. His passion for Rap music and urban rhythms has made him popular in the neighborhood and at school where he is known for his singing and producing music for himself and others on his computer at home. He loves “remixes” and hip-hop and reggaeton songs, and fights to succeed in the name of all those from poor neighborhoods who have died from violence.

Erick Brian Colón- 14, Cuban from Tampa

Born in Cuba, Erick moved to the United States when his father, who was already living here, sent for him, his mother and sister. Since he was 5 years old, Erick has been singing with a microphone in his hand, first at parties and school activities, then later at Karaokes. He loves to play soccer, dance at parties, has many friends at school, and is the only one in his family who wants a career in music.

Jaime Cruz- 14, from Puerto Rico

Jaime, who lives with his mother and younger sister, loves to dance and sing with passion so that he can disconnect from anything negative. Only 14 years old, Jaime knows what it means for such a young person to participate and possibly win a place in La Banda, but does so knowing how proud it would make his family.

Johann Vera- 19, Ecuadorian from Miami

Johann, who lives with his parents and little sister, is an actor, singer and dancer who loves hip-hop. He enjoys swimming, playing tennis, and has studied Tae Kwan Do but from him, everything revolves around furthering his artistic career. He records “covers” and posts them on Youtube, and his sister is his biggest fan. He wants to show his parents that he can make it as a professional singer.

Yoandri Cabrera- 16, Cuban-American from Miami

Yoandri, who lives at home with his mother, started singing when he was 7 years old, inspired by his mother who also sang as a little girl. His favorite artists are Alicia Keys, Amy Winehouse, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Marc Anthony, and One Direction. He says finding God helped him more than anything in the world to always have a positive outlook.

Kevin González- 19, Mexican-Salvadoran from Arizona

Kevin lives with his parents and is the youngest of four brothers. His oldest brother, who is a rapper, is his biggest influence. He loves to play the piano and the ukulele, but feels family is the most important thing and that they give him the confidence he needs to go on singing. His dream is to one day help young people and make a positive impression on their lives.

Richard Camacho- 18, Dominican from NH

Coming from a musical family, Richard’s father had been a musician in his youth and his mother a dancer. So he began his musical career at the age of only 4 years old when his father, who was a musician and worked as a TV cameraman in the Dominican Republic, took him to an audition. From then on he dedicated his life to song and dance.

CONTACT: Jennifer Morales (305) 640-3592 @UCIPRTeam



La popular búsqueda de talento de la Cadena Univision para el mejor súper grupo latino se limita ahora a doce talentosos finalistas, quienes recibieron visitas personales muy emotivas de los jueces Ricky Martin, Alejandro Sanz y Laura Pausini, en las que les dieron la noticia

Véanlos pasar a la próxima etapa de trasmisión EN VIVO – A partir de este domingo, 1 de noviembre desde Miami a las 8 p.m. Este/7 p.m. Centro/5 p.m. Pacífico y 8 p.m. Pacífico

Obtengan acceso a todos los materiales de prensa sobre la serie “LA BANDA” y visiten:

Además habrá oportunidades de entrevistar a los finalistas en el programa de esta semana. Haga su solicitud ahora-

 12 Finalists

Zabdiel de Jesús- 17, de Puerto Rico

En Zabdiel, el amor por la música surgió a temprana edad, cuando su padre, guitarrista profesional, le enseñó a tocarla. Luego lo hizo con su hermano, también guitarrista, en la iglesia y le llegó a encantar la música Gospel. Su amor por el baile lo llevó a formar un grupo de hip-hop y salsa en la escuela intermedia, y finalmente a estudiar ballet en La Escuela de Bellas Artes de Bayamón, donde actualmente cursa su último año.

Christopher Vélez- 19, ecuatoriano de Nueva Jersey

Christopher nació en los Estados Unidos y regresó de Ecuador hace poco menos de un año con la esperanza de un futuro mejor. Vive solo en Hightstown, NJ. Trabaja duro lustrando zapatos y ahorra todo su dinero para poder enviar un poco a su madre y ayudarle a realizar su sueño de ser abogada. Su “Sueño Americano” es ser integrante de La Banda y siempre lleva puesta una medalla de oro que su abuela le dio para darle buena suerte.

Joshua Greaux- 17, de Puerto Rico

Joshua, quien como buen hijo de un atleta olímpico está acostumbrado a competir ferozmente, ha participado en maratones benéficos y entrena a diario, pero su primer amor es la música. Toca la guitarra, compone canciones, produce música y ha cantado en un coro. Una vez que se sentó a conversar con su padre le explicó que la música, al igual que los deportes, es una disciplina a la que es necesario dedicarse en cuerpo y alma, su padre le dio su pleno respaldo. Su madre, con quien vive, también apoya sus sueños y tiene dos empleos para brindarle una buena educación a Joshua quien prefiere las baladas, y su canción favorita es “Ves” del grupo Sin Bandera.

Joel Pimentel- 16, de Los Ángeles

A pesar de que vive con sus padres y dos hermanos, fue su abuelo Luis quien notó su talento musical, lo alentó a cultivarlo y le enseñó a cantar. Cuando su abuelo falleció en enero, Joel entonó la canción “100 Ovejas” en su honor en el funeral. Joel estudia teatro en la secundaria Hesperia en Los Ángeles y toma la actuación muy en serio, pues piensa que lo ayuda a interpretar mejor sus canciones.

Sebastián Rivera- 15, de Puerto Rico

Sebastián vive con sus padres y tres hermanos, y es un gran fan del grupo One Direction. Se crió y ha estudiado con el mismo grupo de amigos, y le encanta cantar en armonía con ellos. Aprovecha todas las ocasiones para presentarse, dando todo de sí, ya sea ante amigos o frente a desconocidos. También toca el ukulele.

Aaron Bodden- 17, estadounidense, de ascendencia hondureña y dominicana, y residente de Miami

Aaron nació y se crió en un vecindario pobre y violento de Miami. Vive con su madre, dos hermanos y abuela en Homestead, Florida. Su pasión por la música rap y los ritmos urbanos lo hizo muy popular en el vecindario y la escuela, donde lo conocen como el rapero que canta y produce música propia y de otros en su computadora en casa. Le encanta mezclar canciones y música hip-hop y reggaetón, y se esfuerza por tener éxito en nombre de todos aquellos que vienen de vecindarios de bajos recursos y han sido víctimas de la violencia.

Erick Brian Colón- 14, cubano de Tampa

Nacido en Cuba, Erick se mudó a los Estados Unidos cuando su padre, quien ya vivía aquí, lo mandó traer junto con su madre y hermana. Desde los 5 años, Erick canta con micrófono en mano. Comenzó en fiestas y actividades escolares, y luego en karaokes. Le encanta jugar fútbol y bailar en fiestas. Tiene muchos amigos en la escuela y es el único en su familia que quiere una carrera musical.

Jaime Cruz- 14, de Puerto Rico

A Jaime, quien vive con su madre y hermana menor, le encanta bailar y cantar con pasión para desconectarse de todo lo negativo. Tiene apenas 14 años y sabe lo que significa que alguien tan joven participe y tenga la posibilidad de lograr un puesto en La Banda, pero lo hace sabiendo que sus familiares estarían orgullosos.

Johann Vera- 19, ecuatoriano de Miami

Johann, quien vive con sus padres y hermanita, es actor, cantante y bailarín, y le encanta el hip-hop. Le gusta nadar y jugar tenis, y ha tomado clases de Tae Kwan Do pero para él, todo gira alrededor de su carrera artística. Graba covers y las saca en YouTube, y su hermana lo apoya más que nadie. Quiere demostrarles a sus padres que puede tener éxito como cantante professional.

Yoandri Cabrera- 16, cubanoamericano de Miami

Yoandri, quien vive en casa con su madre, comenzó a cantar a los 7 años, inspirado por su madre, quien también canta desde niña. Sus artistas favoritos son Alicia Keys, Amy Winehouse, Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Marc Anthony y One Direction. Dice que encontrar a Dios es lo que más le ha ayudado a tener una actitud positiva en todo momento.

Kevin González- 19, mexicano-salvadoreño de Arizona

Kevin vive con sus padres y es el menor de cuatro hermanos. Su hermano mayor, quien es rapero, es su mayor influencia. Le encanta tocar el piano y ukulele. Piensa que la familia es lo más importante y que le da la confianza que necesita para seguir cantando. Su sueño es poder algún día ayudar a jóvenes como él y poder influir de una manera positiva en sus vidas.

Richard Camacho- 18, dominicano de New Hampshire

Richard proviene de una familia artística. Su padre fue músico de joven y su madre, bailarina. Comenzó su carrera musical a los 4 años, cuando su padre, quien trabajaba de camarógrafo en programas de televisión en la República Dominicana, lo llevó a una audición. Desde entonces, ha dedicado la vida a cantar y bailar.

CONTACTO: Jennifer Morales (305) 640-3592 @UCIPRTeam


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