
Marketing Strategies and Media Mixes at the Automotive News NY Marketing Seminar

Univision recently attended Automotive News’ annual Marketing Seminar in NY where top auto executives shared business insights and their outlooks for the future. One subject that all of the panelists touched upon: Hispanic consumers.

“It is the new landscape…we know how important that segment and audience is,” said Trudy Hardy, Marketing VP at BMW.  Hispanic new vehicle sales corroborate this; year to date, U.S. Hispanics represent 14% of total new vehicle sales and are estimated to purchase 1.9 million new vehicles in 2016 (+6% versus 2015).1 Vinay Shahani, SVP of Marketing at Volkswagen, touched on the role Spanish-language targeting plays in reaching this consumer, “We made sure our website is in English and Spanish…and Spanish language investment is increasing as an overall part of our mix.” Univision’s proprietary lower funnel GfK study confirms there is a growing demand for Spanish-language content during the auto shopping process among Hispanics.  The importance of in-language shopping activities has grown: Advertising +70%, Social Media +38%, Dealership +16%, Websites +37% from Q4 2013 to Q2 2016.2

Trends were also a popular topic during the day—from big data to digital video, every manufacturer had their own take on the perfect media mix. As I listened to these marketing leaders, I couldn’t help but think how—across segments, tiers and needs—Univision Communications, Inc. could offer scalable solutions to help contribute to their business’ growth.

Are you ready to expand your U.S. Hispanic media mix beyond broadcast? Univision’s Data Management Platform (UDMP) provides access to multicultural audience-based media and marketing data for your digital and cross-platform audience targeting and analytics. Want to supplement your media with digital and mobile video?’s A Bordo, our digital video franchise, offers in-market shoppers and enthusiasts the latest news on everything auto, with content that grows exponentially month-to-month. UCI’s vast portfolio delivers a consumer that is actively shopping for and purchasing new vehicles. As Shahani said, “Ultimately, it’s about knowing where your consumers are, knowing how they consume the media and making your media plans [reflect] that.”

Source: (1) IHS Automotive Driven by Polk New Vehicle Registrations (Personal including Lease): Enhanced Ethnic Data; U.S.; Jan-Jul CY16. (2) GfK Hispanic Lower Funnel Auto Tracker Q4 2015 © GfK Custom Research, LLC

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