
How Univision’s Formula for Success Can Work for You – Accelerated Growth

In our last two blogs we broke down the power of Univision’s reach and connection. Today I want to show that when you add our exclusive reach to our unique connection a measurable reaction takes place, driving accelerated growth. From increased awareness to stronger consideration, to improved sales results, Univision’s partners experience accelerated growth when they work with us.

Secrets of Spanish-language Advertising
Nielsen recently released the results of its largest-ever meta-analysis of marketing ROI for Spanish-language advertising. What Nielsen found validated our conviction that Univision provides marketers their surest path to accelerated growth.

This study is a big deal and I encourage you to read it in full here. Some key highlights include:

  • Over the last 3 years there has been a substantial increase in ROI for Spanish language campaigns and every dollar spent in Spanish today delivers 40% greater ROI than the same dollar did in 2017.
  • There is value in higher communication levels, with brands spending above $1MM garnering an additional 20% increase in ROI.
  • Consistency matters – brands with 20 weeks of annual activity enjoy twice the ROI of brands with less activity.
  • 65% of all Hispanics can be reached consistently only on Spanish-language TV.
  • And… across every platform examined, the effectiveness in connecting with the 62MM Hispanics in this country is 2 times greater from advertising in Spanish vs. the same advertising in English. This clearly refutes the belief that Hispanics may be effectively reached in English [1].

Univision’s Full Funnel Impact
Even before the release of the Nielsen study, we had proof that Univision delivers the business results brands seek across the purchase funnel. For example, when compared to English-language TV, ads on Univision have an outsized impact in terms of consideration and purchase intent. Indeed, the influence of ads on Univision grows to the point where our viewers are 3X more likely than English-language viewers to purchase a product or brand ​[2]. How is that for accelerated growth?

Univision Brand Labs​ Will Help You Grow
By combining our exclusive reach and unique connection, Univision Brand Labs, our suite of marketing services, has helped hundreds of brands across all categories achieve accelerated growth. From Clorox seeing an average 30% sales lift in stores, to Kingsford leveraging one of our biggest soccer tournaments, the Gold Cup, to drive purchase intent… ​we can do the same for you. Our end-to-end solutions will make your journey with U.S. Hispanics easy to navigate.

I invite you to do the math and join us: Univision’s exclusive reach plus unique connection will equal accelerated growth… for you.

Sourcing: 1) Nielsen, Secrets of Spanish-language Advertising 2.0, May 2020 2) Phoenix TV Brand Effect, based on survey responses from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019​


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